05 July 2010


We are officially in July! Which means I want to turn my oven/stove on as little as possible, and actually if I didn't have a family to feed, I would probably be living on market produce--cherries, corn on the cob, watermelon, berries, peas, etc. Nevertheless, I still have to cook. So here is what we are having this week...

*Monday: Buttermilk Baked Chicken & Cabbage/Carrot slaw

*Tuesday: West Coast Grilled Vegetable Pizza & corn on the cob

*Wednesday: Grilled Tomato Linguine, salad & homemade croutons (Cube bread--Pumpernickel, Country, Italian, etc.--bake in oven at 400* with olive oil drizzled on top. I like to season with salt, pepper, a little garlic & parmesan. Bake for about 20 mins., turning croutons once or twice)

*Thursday: Leftovers

*Friday: Tacos--I use ground turkey, brown in a pan and season with your favorite taco seasoning. Of course we will have lettuce, tomato, cheese, avocados, beans, etc. to add to our tacos. ;)

*Saturday: Fresh Mozzarella BLT with Pesto (yes, I know we had this last week...we may have it every week for the rest of my life... :) *I actually like turkey bacon and it is so much better for you, so if you'd like to substitute like us, feel free!

*Sunday: Leftovers!

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